Claudia Ceraso's 'The FCE Blog' has SO much content and is definitely the first blog to visit for help with the First Certificate exam. You can follow Claudia on Twitter and you can read 5 years of blog posts about the exam!
Simon's FCE Blog is not being updated at the moment but there is still a lot of really useful content on the site that focuses on the writing component of First Certificate exam.
Marcela Gomez's blog, Absolute FCE, is another blog filled with content and links. Marcela absolutely loves English and is obviously very dedicated to her students. A great person to follow on twitter if you want more help with the First Certificate exam.
To get a general idea of the CAE exam the best place to visit is, of course, the Cambridge CAE website. If you are not sure about anything concerning the Advanced English exam then you will probably find the answer there.
Keep coming back to this page for more links and more help for the FCE and CAE exams.
Useful Videos
These two videos from Mansion Ingles are great examples of the First Certificate speaking exam that give you a clear idea about what to expect.
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